Weight gain, is something, that isn't easy to do, and you probably know, this already. I know first hand, because it is something, I have to do every day. Say that, over and over again in your head, until you fully understand it.
A lot of people, think weight-lifting is the key to gaining weight, and I won't argue, it is an extremely important part. The key to weight gain is to do everything big! You have to eat big, to lift big, to get bigger. But there is another thing, that is just as important ,when it comes, to how to gain weight, and that is your diet.
A lot of people, think weight-lifting is the key to gaining weight, and I won't argue, it is an extremely important part. The key to weight gain is to do everything big! You have to eat big, to lift big, to get bigger. But there is another thing, that is just as important ,when it comes, to how to gain weight, and that is your diet.
Put it as simply, as possible, there are 5 easy and simple steps to how to gain weight, and here they are:
Count, how many calories you eat, in a normal day. Don't change anything, just eat like you normally, would and count, how many calories, you consumed. This is an important step, so try to be, as exact, as possible. Also, weigh yourself.
Starting the day, after you counted calories, eat 500 calories, more, then you normally do. So, lets pretend that the day, you counted calories, you counted 2000. For the rest of the week, you would now eat 2500 calories a day. Instead of eating 3 big, meals a day or eating all, day all the time, spread those calories out, over 5-6 smaller meals. Eat one meal every 2 and a half to 3 hours. To get big, you have to eat big!
Weightlifting! Get in the gym, and lift! This is another, important step to how, to gain weight, so make sure you are, doing it correctly. For more information, on weightlifting workout, routines and splits, read the weight training routines and splits section.
At the end of that week, weigh yourself. You'll notice, you're gaining just after one week! Now, don't expect to see a 10lb increase. Gaining anymore, then 1 or 2 pounds, a week is unhealthy and means, you're putting on way, to much fat. So look for 1, or 2 pound, gains at the end of the week. Don't sound like too much? You can be, gaining from 5 to 8 pounds a month!
Heres, an important one. At some point, you will, stop seeing, weight gain. At this point, you will have, to eat even more. So, when you stop, gaining for at least 2 weeks, it means it is time, to start eating an, extra 250 calories a day. Every time, you see you haven't, gained weight for at least 2 weeks, add an extra 250 calories.