If you ask someone how to gain weight, you'll probably provoke some confused faces staring back at you. The meaning of that question for some people, is similar to asking them: "How do I hit my head?" or "How do I run out of food?" This is well-founded question and disappoints those, who find themselves on the light end of the scale. While those, on the heavy end, are not able to get through a commercial break, or leaf through the pages of a magazine, however, without being offered a solution to their problems. That kind of war would end up with disappointment for those, who want to put on weight.
"Eat more!" might be the only reasonable response to your question, if you are just lucky enough. This is great advice, of course. It is very simple: in order to gain weight you should t increase your calorie consumption. In way, that you consume more calories than you expend. Some weight training combined with a couple an increased caloric intakes. There is your recipe for healthy weight gain… You are very likely to over-estimating your intake of food. However, you may think you eat, enough to keep pace with your more weight-furnished friends. As a result, you may need to visit your doctor, in order to rule out medical causes for your inability to bulk up (thyroid disease and other medical problems can hamper weight gain). You should journal your eating habits as a first step, to designing a proper weight gain schedule. By counting calories for a week, you will be given an accurate view of your diet. Your daily caloric intake must be increased, by about 300-500 calories. After that, you start putting on the pounds. The type of weight you are putting on, depends on your caloric intake. It will directly influence your bodyweight and depends on other factors, like the types of food you eat, your weight training regime and so on. Pay attention to these factors, if you are after an aesthetically pleasing weight gains that of lean muscle weight as opposed to just some extra body fat to lug around.