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Weight gain advices and tips. To gain weight, athletes need to consume more, calories than they expend. This weight gain will include fat, muscle, and water. To limit the amount of ,fat gain and increase muscle gains, athletes need to ,follow a good training program supported by ,a sound nutrition program. Supplements, like Weight Gainer 2000, are marketed to athletes that want to gain weight, claiming they ,will aid in the gain of muscle mass. Although, these supplements may help increase daily caloric intake, they have no benefits, over good food choices. One common misconception among, athletes is that the best way to build muscles or "bul k up" is to eat a high-protein diet. Adequate protein, intake is essential for muscle growth; however, most of the calories ,needed to fuel muscle growth come, from carbohydrates and fat.
Follow these advices and tips for a healthy weight gain :
1. It takes time to increase muscle weight.
Most athletes can ,successfully gain Ѕ to 1 pound per week if they, eat enough food to meet their calorie needs, and train properly. Increasing calorie intake by 500 to 1000 calories per day can help supply, the extra calories needed to gain lean weight.
2. Choose higher calorie, foods from all the groups, in the Food Guide Pyramid.
For example, choose a multigrain, bread over white bread, or juices and milk over water.
3. Eat larger food portions.
Increasing the amount ,of food that you eat at one time ,will supply the calories needed, to gain muscle weight.
4. Eat five, or more meals a day.
Eat plenty of ,high calorie snacks ,throughout the day.
5. Drink plenty of fl,uids that supply calories like juice, milk, milkshakes, and sports beverages.
For example, drinking 1 Ѕ quarts of grape ,or cranberry juice supplies ,1000 calories. 1 Ѕ quarts of 2% milk supplies 720 calories.
6. Set realistic goals.
Follow these advices and tips for a healthy weight gain :
1. It takes time to increase muscle weight.
Most athletes can ,successfully gain Ѕ to 1 pound per week if they, eat enough food to meet their calorie needs, and train properly. Increasing calorie intake by 500 to 1000 calories per day can help supply, the extra calories needed to gain lean weight.
2. Choose higher calorie, foods from all the groups, in the Food Guide Pyramid.
For example, choose a multigrain, bread over white bread, or juices and milk over water.
3. Eat larger food portions.
Increasing the amount ,of food that you eat at one time ,will supply the calories needed, to gain muscle weight.
4. Eat five, or more meals a day.
Eat plenty of ,high calorie snacks ,throughout the day.
5. Drink plenty of fl,uids that supply calories like juice, milk, milkshakes, and sports beverages.
For example, drinking 1 Ѕ quarts of grape ,or cranberry juice supplies ,1000 calories. 1 Ѕ quarts of 2% milk supplies 720 calories.
6. Set realistic goals.
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